Setting up Transmission as a service to use over the network

I want to set Transmission up on device like a Raspberry Pi so that it can be accessed over the network. As the Raspberry Pi is quite a simple device, I want to use an external storage drive for the downloaded files. Setting it up as a service wasn’t as straightforward as it could have been (hence this post). As usual the Arch Wiki was the best source


Transmission has a service component (transmission-daemon) and various interfaces including CLI, GUIs and a web interface. We will set up the web interface.

The system daemon will run under the transmission user and we will stick to that rather than running under your own user because “attack surfaces”.

We need to start and stop the daemon to create the settings file. While it is started, we can remotely access it by browsing to server:9091. Make sure it is stopped before we start editing the settings file, otherwise our changes will not stick.

$ sudo pacman -S --needed transmission-cli
$ sudo systemctl enable transmission
$ sudo systemctl start transmission
$ sudo systemctl status transmission
# Check you can access it with your browser.
$ sudo systemctl stop transmission

Configuring network access

Some Transmission settings are available through the web interface. They are all inside /var/lib/transmission/.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json, and we will modify that file to get set up.

Transmission RPC binds to by default, but restricts incoming connections to localhost. I would prefer to just listen to the localhost address in the first place.

We will edit the settings file to listen to only localhost and set up credentials for the web portal.

Note that, Transmission will hash the password and re-store it in the settings file (good stuff) when you start/stop the daemon (a little less good).

The modifications:

    "rpc-authentication-required": true,
    "rpc-host-whitelist": "localhost",
    "rpc-bind-address": ""
    "rpc-password": <YOUR PASSWORD IN PLAIN-TEXT>,
    "rpc-username": <YOUR USERNAME>,

(I suggest keeping the passwords in a password manager.)

The web interface only supports HTTP, but it doesn’t matter much (unless you’re using pre-shared key based WiFi authentication, e.g. WPA2-PSK). It is possible to use HTTPS if a proxy server like Nginx is used.

$ sudo systemctl start transmission

Now start up Transmission, and at the web interface you should be prompted to login.

A Note on Remote Access

To access the web interface when it is listening on localhost, we can use SSH port forwarding:

  • In the ~/.ssh/config file: LocalForward 9091, or
  • On the command-line: -L 9091:

If you would rather trust your network then you can enable remote access from only your local area network:

    "rpc-bind-address": "",
    "rpc-whitelist": "192.168.1.*",

However, if you are using Wi-Fi pre-shared key, i.e. WPA2-PSK, then your username/password is effectively being shared with everyone nearby on your wireless network.

A better solution would be to use a TLS-capable reverse-proxy such as Nginx. I described how to set Nginx up as part of my article on Setting up Radicale on a Raspberry Pi, and the steps are identical for Transmission.

Configuring Storage

Skipping over creating the mount/folder that will be used to store all data… Let’s say it is 0771 root:root /mnt/storage. (Note that 0771 will allow sub-folders to be traversed by the right users without letting other users list them out.)

Let’s create some directories, groups and assign permissions to everyone:

$ sudo groupadd torrent
$ sudo gpasswd -a transmission torrent
$ sudo gpasswd -a <YOU> torrent
$ cd /mnt/storage
$ sudo mkdir torrent
$ sudo chown root:torrent torrent
$ sudo chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o-rwx torrent
# You can create other sub-folders if you want to split up downloading/completed etc.
  • You can use the sudo su - <YOU> trick to get the group permission to apply to yourself until you reboot.)
  • We use the setgid permission (g+s) on the directories so that all files and sub-folders within them are accessible to all users inside the torrent group. This works by forcing the group of all files/folders to be torrent.
  • We create the torrent group as we may not necessarily be using transmission.

The web interface has limited options, so you may want to edit the settings file to set the right folder options.

Modifying the Daemon

We note that the SystemD unit file is at /usr/lib/systemd/system/transmission.service, and that systemctl edit transmission can be used to override options. The Arch Linux SystemD Wiki has more information.

(TBD: Add the configuration for RequiresMountsFor in the SystemD unit file to support removable devices?)