A Stream of Fragments of my Consciousness
It's like twitter but without the junk.
Syncthing stuck at 99%? Stop it and run syncthing --reset-deltas on both devices.
Plans you’re not supposed to talk about | |
Inheritance in one picture | |
A simple introduction to insurance. | |
Pollution levels on TFL lines - highest on deeper, underground lines. Wear a mask. | |
Essential Mac OS Software: Smooze, Rectangle, Karabiner, SensibleSideButtons, SwitchResX | |
Essential Mac OS Software: Smooze, Rectangle, and sometimes SwitchResX | |
Even the last four digits of your card number are sensitive | |
Two programming-learning games: Bandit and Deadlock Empire | |
Minimum times misleading when benchmarking was eye-opening. | |
A ridiculously in-depth article on smooth scrolling. | |
Invictus is a beautiful, inspiring poem. | |
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl to watch a video? Cool.
EFF’s 2016 wordlists for random passphrases. | |
Possible indistinguishable letters: i, l, n, o, v, z, B, D, G, I, O, Q, S, Z, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9. DISTINGUISHABLE_LETTERS = ‘abcdefghjkmpqrstuwxyACEFHJKLMNPRTUVWXY3479’ | |
Easily trim videos using ffmpeg. | |
Completely Broken Hardware Encryption in SSDs. | |
Force Push: git push -fu ; Force Pull: git pull -fml . This needs to be a thing.
Packaging and distributing software is hard and complicated. | |
Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is the metric we should be looking at. Though what about the cost-burden of the disease? | |
I believe that most people should avoid the current crop of IoT/smart-home devices, and BBC’s Panorama documentary gives a tiny glimpse into why. | |
Why does uWSGI have so many features? I don’t know. | |
Battery-less devices. Amazing really. | |
Preventing thinking biases in a workplace. | |
Understanding the ‘=’ sign might have been useful all the way back in secondary school. | |
Do You Trust this Computer? is an interesting documentary on how AI is being used and what the future might hold. | |
Tagging File Systems anyone? TMSU exists, but without a GUI and not really cross-device. | |
Life is Short. Get rid of anything that doesn’t matter. | |
A Sony Smart TV updates itself with an app that tracks and shares a lot of personal data… Something something EU. | |
Mozilla has introduced Facebook containers broadly based on multi-account containers, which demonstrates another use-case for containers. |